Da Trogland | Land of the TROGS |
Da TroglandDa Trogland iz hom. Hom iz good. Da Trogland is hot. We like da Trogland!Da land goin' to da wakin' sun iz good. Ends in da Big Wata, full of fisheaters. Sometime Fisheaters kome on majik that walk on Big Wata, they killa Trogz. Fish-eaters are bad. We killa Fish-eaters! Da land goin' to da big star is full of whiteskin, them kill Trog. This iz no fun. Sometime whiteskin kome to dig for shiny rok. Whiteskin are bad. We killa whiteskin! Da land to the sleepa sun iz good, big rok, lot of wata. There live Shreek, Shreek iz kool, we like Shreek! Also there live big Chilla, he eat Trogz, this iz no fun. Also Gnawwa tree there, we feed them whiteskin, THIS iz fun! (Habrakadebra - Trog Great Shaman) Back to homepage |